The One Who is Eternally Blessed

وَجَعَلَنِي مُبَارَكًا أَيْنَ مَا كُنتُ

And He [Allah] has made me blessed wherever I am.

Sūrah Maryam 19:31

In this verse, Prophet ʿĪsā (peace be upon him) states that he is blessed regardless of time or place. In analyzing this statement, one may ask why is it that no other prophet in the Quran articulated such a statement. The reason is ʿĪsā was gifted the Injīl (New Testament) not by hand but embedded into his memory. With this gift, he became a ḥāfiz (retainer) of the Book of Allah, and thus he carried the Word of Allah with him wherever he went. Through this gift, he taught and guided all his followers down the path of righteousness. This is essentially what made him eternally blessed, and he was cognizant of this truth. Allah honored the one who memorized the Injīl. The Quran is the most virtuous book ever revealed, So imagine how Allah will honor the one who memorizes the entire Quran!